I Want to Meal Prep to Save Time and Money, But...

Meal prepping sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it? Imagine having a fridge stocked with delicious, ready-to-eat meals that save you both time and money throughout the week. No more last-minute takeout, no more scrambling to figure out dinner after a long day, and no more watching your hard-earned cash disappear on pricey lunches. But, if you’re like many people, there are some hurdles that make meal prepping seem like more of a hassle than a help. Let’s tackle those common “buts” and see how you can turn meal prepping into a smooth and rewarding routine.

"But… I Don’t Have Time to Meal Prep!"

This is probably the most common obstacle. It seems counterintuitive, right? How can you save time by spending a whole chunk of your weekend in the kitchen? Here’s the secret: it doesn’t have to take up your entire Sunday.

Start small. Choose just one or two meals to prep for the week. Maybe it’s breakfast burritos or a big batch of chili that you can eat for lunch or dinner. The key is to start with something manageable. As you get into the habit, you’ll find ways to streamline the process—like chopping veggies while binge-watching your favorite show or cooking double portions of dinner to stash away for later.

Also, consider the time you’ll save during the week. If you spend two hours prepping on Sunday, but you save an hour every day by not cooking or cleaning up, that’s five extra hours you get back. Not to mention the mental load you’ll lighten by having meals ready to go.

"But… I Don’t Know What to Cook!"

Figuring out what to cook for an entire week can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to balance variety with your taste preferences. The trick here is to build a repertoire of go-to recipes that you can rotate. Start by picking a few versatile ingredients, like chicken, beef, or beans, that can be used in different dishes. For instance, roasted chicken can be turned into salads, sandwiches, or a hearty chicken soup.

Don’t be afraid to repeat meals, either. If you love a particular dish, there’s no harm in having it more than once in a week. And if you’re really stuck for ideas, there are countless meal-prepping blogs, apps, and YouTube channels that offer endless inspiration.

"But… I Don’t Have Enough Containers!"

This is an easy fix. Investing in a good set of reusable containers is one of the best things you can do for your meal-prepping journey. Look for BPA-free plastic or glass containers that are microwave and dishwasher-safe. Consider getting a variety of sizes, from larger containers for meals to smaller ones for snacks or sauces. If budget is a concern, you don’t need to buy everything at once. Start with a few and gradually add to your collection as you go.

Also, think beyond containers. Freezer bags, mason jars, and even silicone muffin trays can all be handy tools for storing your prepped food.

"But… I Don’t Want to Eat the Same Thing Every Day!"

Eating the same meal every day can get boring, fast. To keep things interesting, try to meal prep components rather than entire meals. For example, grill a few different proteins like chicken, beef, and tofu. Then, prepare a couple of versatile sides like roasted vegetables, quinoa, or a big salad. This way, you can mix and match throughout the week to create different meals.

Spices and sauces are your friends here. They can completely change the flavor profile of a dish. A simple chicken breast can become Mexican-inspired with some salsa and avocado one day, and then be transformed into an Asian stir-fry with soy sauce and veggies the next.

"But… I’m Worried About Food Safety!"

Food safety is a valid concern, especially when prepping meals in advance. To keep things safe, follow a few basic rules. First, always cool food quickly before storing it in the fridge. Divide large portions into smaller containers so they cool down faster. Second, keep an eye on how long food has been stored. Generally, most cooked meals are safe to eat for up to four days when stored properly in the fridge.

If you’re prepping for a full week, consider freezing some meals and thawing them as needed. This not only keeps your food safe but also preserves the flavor and texture of your meals.

Final Thoughts

Meal prepping doesn’t have to be a daunting task filled with endless "buts." With a little planning and some simple strategies, you can overcome the common obstacles and start enjoying the benefits of prepped meals. Remember, it’s all about what works best for you. Start small, keep it simple, and don’t be afraid to tweak the process as you go.


Ready to Take Your Meal Prep to the Next Level?

If you’re serious about meal prepping, one of the best ways to ensure you’re eating high-quality, nutritious meals is by sourcing your meat directly from local farmers. Not only will you get better-tasting, ethically-raised meat, but you’ll also support your local economy. Check out our selection of top-notch meat that’s perfect for meal prepping. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help you make the best choice for your meal-prepping needs!


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