Grass-Fed Beef and Vitamin D: How to Get Your Sunshine, Even Indoors

We all know that soaking up some rays is the best way to get vitamin D, but what happens when it’s cold, rainy, or you're just too comfy on the couch? Enter grass-fed beef, your unexpected backup source of vitamin D—because who knew a steak could help when the sun’s MIA?

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin We All Need

Vitamin D is basically sunshine in vitamin form. It’s responsible for keeping your bones strong, your immune system fierce, and your mood in check (especially when the weather’s gloomier than your Monday morning meeting). But, if you're not spending your days outside frolicking in a field, you need to find it elsewhere.

Grass-Fed Beef: More Than Just a Tasty Steak

Here's the plot twist: while fatty fish usually steals the vitamin D spotlight, grass-fed beef has its own little stash! Cattle that live their best lives outside, chomping on grass and soaking up sunlight, actually store vitamin D in their tissues. So when you enjoy that juicy grass-fed steak, you’re getting a little extra sunshine—even if the weather's acting like a grumpy cat.

~ 1/4 Beef Share ~ Deposit
~ 1/2 Beef Share ~ Deposit

Why Grass-Fed is Better for Vitamin D

Grain-fed cows? Not so much with the vitamin D. Those guys are usually hanging out in barns, without much sun, and eating grain, which doesn’t exactly boost their vitamin D game. Grass-fed cows, on the other hand, are living their sun-soaked, grass-munching dream, which translates into more vitamin D for you when you eat them.

Other Sources to Pair With Grass-Fed Beef

Need more sunshine in your life? Here are some other foods to stack your plate with:

  • Salmon: King of vitamin D-rich foods, but don’t worry, beef is still in the royal court.

  • Egg Yolks: Scramble ‘em up alongside your steak for an extra dose of D.

  • Mushrooms: These fungi are the plant world’s secret vitamin D source—especially the ones left out in the sun!

How to Soak Up More Vitamin D with Grass-Fed Beef

To get the most vitamin D bang for your buck, cook your grass-fed beef in a little healthy fat like olive oil or butter. Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means it needs fat to really shine (get it?). Add some mushrooms or eggs to the mix, and you’ve got a vitamin D-packed meal that’ll make even the rainiest day feel a little brighter.


How to Buy Beef From A Rancher